RBS Productions
RBS Productions is a company developed specifically for capturing or developing video or audio productions. The company is primarily an asset to Really Board Sports for creating routes of revenue through the technology and software that the company uses for promotional purposes. RBS Productions can also be contracted to do more specific work to meet the needs of the client.
Recent RBS Productions works include:
- RBS Thrills and Spills 2008 DVD
- 2009 FCHS Cheerleading state routine audio
- 2009 FCHS Cheerleading state routine DVD
- RBS Pilot for hosting board riding events (Las Vegas) DVD
- Lock and Load: Just Blaze (Big D Outfitters and Guide Service) DVD
(This video was contracted to RBS Productions and is a documentary film that was filmed in Saskatchewan Canada about freelance duck hunting)
- 2010 FCHS Cheerleading state routine audio
- 2010 FCHS Cheerleading state routine video
- Liberator Wedding Mafia DVD - Candid (In Production) SEE THE TRAILER BELOW!
-Numbered Days 2011-2012 Big D Outfitter and Guide Service Documentary
For more information or a video or audio sample contact a team member.
For a list of other RBS Companies check out our Partners link!