Troy "El Presidente" Tolar is President and Co-Founder of Really Board Sports.
I began wakeboarding when I was 16 years old but only had the opportunity to experience the thrills every now and then until I was 22. Since then I have spent my summers up at Horsetooth Reservoir wakeboarding at least 2-3 times per week. When I first started back in 2000 wakeboarding was still fairly new and it has been an absolute pleasure to see the progression of the sport over the last decade.
I began snowboarding when I was 14 years old and have been going strong since. When I first started snowboarding I picked it up pretty quickly, but at the time was unsure on how much I really enjoyed it. I have always been a Cali boy who loves the sun and hates the cold. If nothing else I found as a great way to help make it through the cold winter season. I continue to snowboard every Winter as something to pass the time, until Summer comes and it's time to head back up to the lake for another Summer of excitement!!!
I currently am a teacher at Turning Point, a drug and alcohol treatment facility. When not working or boarding, I also coach high school and college level baseball players.